By Mary Turnage
For those of you who do not know, or have been wondering what a madrigal is, a madrigal dinner is a form of renaissance dinner theatre. These dinners or feasts are usually held at a school or church around Christmas, and they are typically of a comedic nature. They are also typically set in the Middle Ages. The feast is divided into courses of food, each of which is accompanied by a traditional song.
The madrigal’s group meets every day during third period to rehearse and learn the music and drama in preparation for their show in December. The dinner will be held on Friday, December 13 and Saturday, December 14 at Calvary Baptist Church. The tickets will be available in November. The cost of the tickets will be $25 per person which includes your meal and a wonderful show.
The school districts of Gautier and Ocean Springs have both graciously donated things such as props and costumes to the group. The idea of CHS doing a madrigal came about one day when Superintendant Harris and Mrs. Walley, CHS music teacher, were discussing new things that the choir students could do that would both involve the kids and the community.
In this show Sarah Mason will be the queen, and Colton Sorrell will play the king. There will also be a court jester, two knights, a royal court, and peasants. The peasants, or servers, will consist of the girls choir. Mrs. Walley stated, “I am most looking forward to the relationships that will be made between the students and them getting to experience the feeling of a job well done.”
Homecoming Brings New Traditions
By Drayton Purvis
Homecoming at Columbia High School is a tradition like no other. The week of constant school spirit, returning alumni, a beautiful home-coming court, and a Wildcat win are all part of the grand scheme of a successful homecoming week. Year after year, CHS is able to pull this off and this year even added a few new traditions.
Columbia High School’s home-coming court was made up of the
school’s best representatives. The freshman maid was Kadence Hart
and her escort was Luke Stogner. Representing the class of 2021 as sophomore maid was Jordan Bourn, who was escorted by Nathan Smith. The junior maid was Abby Morris and her escort was Trevor Dawsey. The senior maid was Gabby Melville, who was escorted by Neely Simmons. Columbia High School’s activity maids this year were Brankeciera Ard who was escorted by Kyle Buckley and Alexis May, escorted by Thomas Hahn. The athletic maid was Cortaija Robinson, who was escorted by TJ Monroe. Jade Slemaker, academic maid, was escorted by Connor Ross. This year’s maids of honor were Kennedy Browning, escorted by Bryce Ramshur, and Shaniya Rich, escorted by Carter Dyess. Columbia High School’s Home-Coming Queen was Queen Katrina May, who was escorted by Drayton Purvis.
The homecoming festivities included our traditional spirit days
as CHS students showed their Wildcat pride and went all out for Tacky Day, Retro Day, Superhero Day, Blue and Gold Day, and Homecoming
T-Shirt day. Two new things that were added this year were a district wide pep rally and a parade. Both had been done in the past, but the bringing back of those proved to be successful this year. The attendance at both was great and the display of school spirit was exciting. Thankfully, the Wildcats defeated the North Forrest Eagles with a score of 58-22! Ending the week with a Wildcat win satisfied all supporters of Columbia High School. More importantly, memories of Homecoming 2018 were made and will be cherished for a lifetime.

“Love God, love people” is Mr. Stowe’s personal philosophy on life. He believes that we should all live our lives with joy in our hearts and treat it as a precious gift. Mr. Stowe was raised by two incredibly, genuine parents whom he thanks indefinitely for his success. “It is unbelievable how selflessly they have sacrificed to ensure that my siblings and I would be granted the best opportunities possible,” Stowe stated. Although, he may never be able to repay his parents fully, he hopes to honor them by making them extremely proud. He is particularly inspired by his precious mother, who is also an educator. Mr. Stowe comes from humble beginnings as he is originally from Alabama. Growing up, his parents always taught him the values of hard work and good morals.
He fell in love with Mississippi while attending Mississippi State University. His passion for learning partially comes from his mother being a public school teacher. He has the utmost respect for all public educators. He is extremely passionate about fixing the issues within the education system. He decided instead of just talking about the problems, he would become part of the solution, and he has been devoted to education ever since.
Statistically speaking, Mississippi is a low performing state compared to others. Mr. Stowe feels personally compelled to help cultivate the Mississippi school system into a competitive one. He most definitely wants Columbia High School to become an A rated school in the near future. Immediately, he felt overwhelmingly welcomed at CHS. He loves our school and is very enthusiastic about the future of Columbia High. When asked what his overall impression of CHS thus far is he said, “It is absolutely fantastic! The students are excellent, the teachers are phenomenal, the staff is impeccable, and the community is great!” The Wildcats have already captured Mr. Stowe’s heart, and he is over the moon with excitement for what is yet to come!
He wants to provide every student at CHS with a top notch education and skills that will be helpful in all their future endeavors. Beyond the academic aspect, he wants it made known that he cares deeply about his student’s mental health and safety. Stowe stated, “Be confident in who you are, know what you have to offer, respect yourself, and ultimately know your worth.” Mr. Stowe is also an advocate for respecting women. He wants to create young respectful men with a firm understanding that respecting women fully is important. Over all, Mr. Stowe is a joyful, tenacious, hard working, kind, ambitious, and genuine individual.
New Principal at Columbia High
By Violet Thomas

The Stowe Show
By Braxton Stowe
What a great time to be a Wildcat! There has been so much EXCELLENCE happening at this school every day!
Like what Mr. Stowe? I am so glad you asked!
1.Our football team is off to a historic start!
2.There’s an increase in the number of students taking dual enrollment and AP classes.
3.There’s also an increase in the numbers of students who have signed up for the ACT this year than at this point last year.
4.Our PSAT students have been working hard to get ready for their October 10th assessment.
5.Our band and cheer squad have been working hard for upcoming competitions.
6.We have a new boys and girls soccer team.
7.Our volleyball team is having a great year.
8.Teachers and all staff members are striving for excellence each and everyday.
9.ALL students are living up to our school motto of #CATS4Life each and every day!
My challenge to you is to keep up the outstanding work you’ve done so far this year. I want you to remember “Excellence is not a skill, it’s an attitude!” - Ralph Marston. Keep on having an attitude of excellence because that’s what Columbia High School is all about.

Advice from the 29+ Club
By Amani Sheikh and Violet Thomas
The 29+ Club, which started with only a couple of members, has grown exponentially the last few years and has certainly gotten some attention of the students at Columbia High School. A few members shared advice on how to increase ACT scores and potentially become the next member of the 29+ Club. Kyle Buckley, a senior member with the score of 30, shared the following tips for preparing for the ACT:
1. Take the ACT while geometry is fresh on your mind.
2. On the the English section, remember “less is more.” The shorter the answer, the better, as it answers the prompt correctly.
3. Being able to read and comprehend things quickly is your best friend on the reading portion.
4. On the science section, with the excessive amount of information they provide, it can be very difficult to read & sort all of it out with the time crunch. Skip the paragraphs, and answer the direct questions that you should be able to easily grasp and understand.
Brennan Wells, a junior who scored a 29 on the ACT, admits that it took a lot of hard work and studying, which is no surprise. Khan Academy is mainly what helped him train his mind for the ACT as it provided the proper material and subjects which were relevant to the test.
Eli Johnson, a junior with an ACT score of 32, stated, “I wanted more scholarship money so I didn’t settle for just a 29. I worked really hard and finally got a 32. I also really wanted to win a bet and get my dad’s car.”

Teacher Spotlight
By Gavin Fairburn
Coach Brandon Thompson is a biology teacher and is an assistant football coach at CHS. Thompson graduated from Tylertown High school and got his Bachelor’s Degree from Alcorn State University. He was involved with football and track. He lives at home with his Labrador Retriever named Brooke.
1. How does it feel to be CHS’s first teacher of the month?
It is an honor and a privilege to be chosen 1st on a staff as great as ours.
2. What did you do that led you to this point in your career?
I was deterred from what I thought I wanted only to do what I was born to do.
3. Did you always want to be a teacher?
I always wanted to make a difference in the lives of youth, and teaching just happened to be the best vessel by which I could do that.
4. What are some of your hobbies outside of the classroom?
Exercising, watching movies, and cooking.
5. How does the atmosphere differ from the classroom to the football field?
For me it doesn’t. I try to approach the classroom with as much energy and enthusiasm as I do on the football field.
6. Do you feel more connected to your students as opposed to your players? Why?
They are all my children and although I know them differently, I love them the same.
7. Do you think we will make it to state this football season?
LOL, I think we have the players, coaching staff, and support to go as far possible.

Foxworth Promotes Voter Registration
By Layla Hebert
Harrison Foxworth is a senior at Columbia High School and when tasked with coming up with a Senior Project topic he decided the issue of why young people don't typically vote was very interesting to him. Foxworth stated, “Voter turnout has been declining since the 60's, so I really wanted to get 18 to 21 year olds to vote. My goal was to register as many people as I could.” He put a plan together so he could complete his Senior Project, but also so he could make a difference among his peers and in his community. Through a lot of hard work and dedication, Foxworth managed to register many of the students eligible to vote this past semester.
Foxworth confirmed, “I registered all the 18 year olds at Columbia High School and Columbia Academy.” Foxworth also explained that he believes his project will have a lasting impact on these students as it has already helped them to start out with good voting habits. “These will be the people that will represent and make legislation for 18-21 year olds. It’s not only a right to vote, it’s a privilege,” he stated.

Stowe Show 2
By Braxton Stowe
Hey Wildcats!
Christmas time is here! It is wonderful to see everyone in the holiday spirit. As we close out this semester, I have been impressed by the hard work of our students and teachers. I want to thank each of you for all you do to make Columbia High School a special place to work and learn.
In my last Stowe Show section of the Paw Print, I challenged each student to have an attitude of excellence, and it makes my heart happy to see you are meeting that challenge. Oh, let me count the ways:
1.Our school is still rated a “B”. We are the highest performing high school in the county!
2. We awarded over 300 students who made the Superintendent's List, Principal’s List, and Perfect Attendance for the 1st 9 Weeks.
3. We added three new members to our ACT 29+ Club!
4. Our Marching Wildcats won their 7th State Championship!
5. Our football team had an amazing season.
6. We received national attention for our Wildcat Credit Union.
7. We are at the start of our inaugural soccer season.
Yet, we still have more to accomplish before this semester is completed. From our seniors preparing for their Senior Project Presentations, to students in English II, US History, and Biology I preparing to take their state test, and to everyone preparing to take their nine weeks tests. Remember, ‘‘tis the season for giving” be sure to give/take on these challenges with everything you got!
I am beyond grateful and blessed to be your principal. My sincere wishes to you and your families for a wonderful holiday season! #CATS4LIFE

Boo Fest
By Cat Shields
Boo Fest is a fairly new event that has happened here at Columbia High School. In addition to being a great positive incentive, it allows most of the teachers to get a break from the students and vice versa. Students get almost three whole periods out of class.
To qualify for Boo Fest, you had to have no absences or tardies for the entire previous month. That not only made students want to be here, but they also tried not to be late. Many students chose not to come if they missed a day because they thought there wouldn’t be anything for them to do while the others are outside at Boo Fest, but they were wrong. This year, the students that had absences, tardies, or got in trouble got rewarded with lots of practice ACT problems. Ouch.
Boo Fest was held on Halloween, the 31st of October. Students got to dress up in their Halloween costumes and not pay a dime to have a day of fun. There were many wonderful costumes. A karaoke station was set up between the gym and the annex where people could take turns embarrassing themselves. It was very funny to watch, and apparently, participate in because there was a good-sized crowd around the area. Students were relaxing by the annex doors and eating their lunch. On the other corner of the gym, parents and community members were grilling hamburgers for the students. Near the grilling site, there was a cakewalk for the SAVE Club and a table full of goodies. On the right of that table a few feet was the D.J. station. He played music for the musical chairs game and to lift spirits when musical chairs was over. In the middle of the practice field, some boys were playing football.
Across from the D.J. station was a stand for the Book Club. Book Club took the time to ask some of the staff what their favorite book was and then scrambled the answers. The object of the “game” was to guess the teachers’ favorite books correctly. The people who guessed the most right were given a goody bag and a gift certificate to the Wildcat Coffee Cafe. Art Club members, for a dollar or less, painted faces in spooky designs to raise money for their club. The band sold snacks and candy to also raise funds. Further from there was a pitching net. It was mostly used by baseball players, obviously. There was a truck sponsored by the U.S. Army that had television sets inside of it. Many people crowded under the awnings of it and played video games on the big-screen tv's. Behind that, further in on the field, was some sort of less-than-lethal archery!
Altogether, Boo Fest was a success.

Teacher Spotlight
By Layla Herbert
Mrs. Shelley Putnam teaches Physical Science, Chemistry, and AP Chemistry here at CHS. She has taught here for 7 years. Before teaching she was a Ballet instructor. She is a Columbia High Alumni. She and her husband are also bee keepers and sale honey.
1.How does it feel to be teacher of the month?
It was a nice surprise to be appreciated.
2. What do you like to do outside of school?
Play with my three-year-old granddaughter and eat at good restaurants. I love to travel. I recently went hang gliding.
3. What advice would you give to other teachers?
Always look for the joy in your work and look for the best in all of your students.
4. Did you always want to be a teacher?
I did! I knew when I was in the 8th grade. I always felt called to teach.
5. What’s the wildest thing that has happened while you have taught at Columbia?
I told a student he could stand at a filing cabinet to take notes and when I looked up he was standing on the filing cabinet... or maybe the kid that set the table on fire.
6. Has teaching changed since you started?
The atmosphere has remained the same. I believe that the teacher steers the culture of the classroom.

Honor Society Induction Ceremony
By Amani Sheikh
At 9:45 am on November 5th, inductions were held at Columbia High School for the joining members of the National Honor Society, Tri-M, National Spanish Honor Society, Beta Club and Mu Alpha Theta. Parents, friends, teachers and students all came to see the induction service of the students until roughly 10:45 am. After the service was completed, guests were treated to refreshments in the CHS cafeteria.
A total of 48 students were inducted into one or more groups. Many of those students also serve as officers for these groups.
The officers for Beta Club include Jade Slemaker as President, Carley Davis as Secretary, Alexis May as Reporter, Harrison Foxworth as Vice-President, Drayton Purvis as Treasurer, Taliyah James as Community Projects Chaiman and Elisha Brown as School Projects Chairman.
The officers of Tri-M include Drayton Purvis as President, Kolton Sorrell as Vice-President, Elizabeth Knight as Secretary and Olivia Carney as Treasurer.
For the National Honor Society, the officers include Harrison Foxworth as President, Michelle Martin as Secretary, Taliyah James as Reporter, Carley Davis as Community Service Chairman, Jade Slemaker as Vice-President, Abby Morris as Treasurer and Thomas Hahn as School Projects Chairman.
The officers of the Spanish Honor Society include Cobie Beasley as President, Jade Slemaker as Vice President, Alexis May as Secretary, Eli Johnson as Treasurer and Michelle Martin and CeCe Ard as Events Chairs. There are no current officers for Mu Alpha Theta.
The ceremony panned out well, as each student was called up to the stage to receive their certificate of induction and pin (depending on the club).
Sponsors for these club include Mrs. Kim Walley (Tri-M), Mrs. Emily Rayborn (NHS), Mrs. Ellen Winton (Beta), Mrs. Rhonda Gaughf (Mu Alpha Theta), and Senor Smith (NSHS).

CHS Celebrates Unity
By Alexis May
Black History Month provides the nation with an opportunity to hear the voices and experiences of people who have historically Black History Month provides the nation with an opportunity to hear the voices and experiences of people who have historically been oppressed, ignored, marginalized and overlooked in our country. It is not just a time to celebrate Black Americans who have paved the way for us all to thrive, but it is also a time to unite with those around you, and it also serves as a time to consider how we can create more justice in our daily lives and institutions.
During February, Columbia High School exemplified what unity means. The already close-knit student body came together even more to celebrate with a Black History Month program. The overall theme of the program was “Unity” and what it means to be unified. The program began with a warm welcome from Jared Stubbs and Michelle Martin, our 2019 Mr. and Mrs. CHS. Stubbs expressed that “This month marked an incredible journey because many have not only fought for but have also risked their lives in hopes of a world that sees differences and instead of separating us because of those differences, was more interested in uniting us.” Martin explained how just a short 60 years ago “none of this was possible.” She went on to say, “We don’t know a society that lives like that [segregation] because we were raised in a unified generation and as one.” The two concluded by expressing that the celebratory program “means so much to us as people, as a community, and as a society.”
Next, a skit authored by Mr. Marshall Wall was performed. The skit was set to detail a reaction from players when two football teams, the all-black Green Waves from John J. Jefferson High School and the all-white Wildcats from Columbia High School integrated in 1970. Students Kevon Cloyd and Harrison Foxworth played the role of coaches Charles Boston and Tommy Davis. The two worked together to provide a safe and comfortable environment by emphasizing that they were better off working together and should unite as one rather than being separated.
Hannah Watts also performed a beautiful monologue Mixed Up about unity, and the CHS choir, Bella Voce, sang 2 wonderful song selections Ride on King Jesus and We Shall Overcome. The songs are both African spirituals.
A documentary made by The Paw Print staff featuring some of the 1970 football players was also shown. Following the video, our keynote speaker for the program, Coach Charles Boston, spoke to our student body about his experiences during integration and how the football team unified the school and community.
Coach Boston stated, “That first integrated football team was a thing of beauty.”
To conclude the program, principal Braxton Stowe, left the student body with a great reminder, “Where there is unity, there is always victory.”

A Long Awaited Break
By Cat Shields
We have all been anxiously waiting for Spring Break. It seemed as if it would never get here. January and February have been long, cold, and boring months. School, for some of us, has been exhausting and overwhelming at times. Finally, though, we have made it.
For many, Spring Break is going to be an escape from responsibilities at a time when we really need it. Students get to get away from school for an entire week and have fun (hopefully!) in the process. Spring Break plans for many people includes traveling to see family members or even family friends in other cities or states. For others, it is a chance for a relaxing vacation to popular Spring Break destination spots like the beach.
If not traveling or taking an awesome vacation, other popular activities including throwing parties at home or just going out to eat with friends and family. Some people also look forward to binge watching Netflix!
No matter what you do over this break, don't waste your time! Make sure to make memories and recharge for the last semester of the 2018-2019 school year. Enjoy your Spring Break!

The Stowe Show 3
By Braxton Stowe
Hello Wildcats!
You may have noticed the signs of our vision and mission in the hallways and classrooms. Let me take a few moments to explain them.
Educational Excellence. Every Student. Every Day.
We promise to provide you with the best possible education and opportunities every day and and we will do that with excellence.
Develop all students as strong thinkers, readers, writers, and leaders who will continue to strive for knowledge, excellence, and unity in all of their future endeavors.
We promise to ensure you graduate Columbia High School ready to take on any challenges you may face. We will push you to become a strong thinker who will solve any obstacles that arise. A strong reader and writer who will end the perception of students not reading or writing at or above grade level.A leader who will continue to be a lifelong learner and will pursue excellence in everything you do.And also individuals who will strive for unity with all people regardless of their opinions.
It’s hard to believe we are already in the month of March. I want to thank each of you for your help in making our theme of “unity” for our Black History Month come to life with a great program and other events during the month. As I stated at our program, “Where there is unity, there is always victory.” As long as we strive for unity, we will continue to be victorious in all our activities!

Students Lobby for Tanning Bed Bill To Be Passed
By Jennifer Stringer
Have you ever laid in a tanning bed? According to the American Academy of Dermatology, “Research indicates that more than half of indoor tanners (52.5 percent) start tanning before age 21, while nearly one-third (32.7 percent) start tanning before age 18.” That’s a lot of young teens exposing their skin to UV rays and increasing their chances of skin problems. Due to this high percentage, Mississippi created and passed Senate Bill 2847 on February 13th of 2019. This bill prohibits the use of indoor tanning devices by minors under 18.
Six Columbia High School students, Hannah Watts, Sawyer McDowell, Jordan Bourn, Neely Smith, Gabi Rayborn, and Kaylee Holmes, had an amazing opportunity when they were allowed to go to Mississippi’s Capital and lobby for the bill. These students were joined by Mrs. Emily Rayborn and Mrs. Shelley Putnam.
Mrs. Putnam had actually been able to take other groups because of her affiliation with the American Cancer Society in the past and always thought it was a great experience for the students. “When the time came to organized this year’s trip,” Putnam explained, “I asked my honors chemistry class, but only one student was interested. Because of the lack of interest at the time, I asked again later in the school year and found that there were more students interested.”
The students who went on the trip had to prepare ahead of time by studying the bill and preparing their reasons or arguments of why they believed the bill should be passed. The students were able to tell their stories and their experiences with skin cancer to our state senator, Mrs. Angela Burks Hill. However, Mrs. Hill is a believer in parents having the choice when it comes to minors and tanning beds. Despite the efforts of CHS students she still voted against it when the time came. She explained her thoughts to the students and the reasons why she would likely vote no. According to Emily Rayborn, “Although, her stance on the bill differed from the students, she seemed very impressed by their efforts and encouraged them to continue their work.”
This was an amazing opportunity for all the students able to go. Hannah Watts said, “Going to the Capital was a really eye-opening experience because I didn’t really know how our government operated. It was really cool to see that and to meet the people that pass the laws and bills that affect us here in Columbia.” The bill was actually passed in the Senate, but failed to pass the House. If you would like to read the bill, you can go to and look up Bill 2847 or House Bill 1191. If you are passionate for the fight against cancer and are interested in possibly going to the Capital in the future, be sure to let Mrs. Putnam know.
As the CHS students who lobbied this year learned, you really are never too young to start voicing your opinion and fighting for what you believe in.

Teacher Spotlight
By Layla Herbert
1. How does it feel to be teacher of the year?
It feels awesome, like the things you do matter, and that you have earned the respect of co-workers and the larger community you serve.
2. What do you like to do outside of school?
Well, I read a lot (of course) but I also dabble in personal writing projects. In the summers (when there is time) I'm actually a big gamer! (Call of Duty and Fortnite are some of my favorites.)
3. What advice would you give to other teachers?
Go to law school! Haha! But really, I would tell them that everything starts and ends with classroom management, until you master that you will not be able to really teach what you know.
4. Did you always want to be a teacher?
Amazingly enough, no! In fact, I never once thought about that growing up. I was supposed to go to law school but ended up teaching because of a deadline problem with my applications. I discovered by accident that I was really good at it. The rest is history and legend!
5. What’s the wildest thing that has happened while you have taught at Columbia?
To be honest... Me. Ask me about the time I put on a clown mask and terrorized my students because I was trying to make a point about narrative emphasis. By the way, you can't do that kind of stuff in law school! Haha!
6. Has teaching changed since you started?
Oh, yes. Teaching has changed since last year and the year before that and the year before. In other words, the only constant in this profession is change. You change with it or you get left behind!

Tim Tebow's Night to Shine
By Amani Sheikh
On February 8, 2019, CHS Students attended Tim Tebow’s Night to Shine event. Night to Shine is a prom for Columbia High School’s special education class that takes place at Temple Baptist Church in Hattiesburg, MS each year. The kids spent a majority of their day planning and getting ready for their fun night. The morning started out as a normal day until 3rd period when they headed home to get changed and glamored for the dance. Around 1:00 pm, the class came back to the school in their prom attire for pictures.
At about 1:30 pm, every student and teacher in the school was called onto the breezeway to cheer them on. A red carpet was laid out for them to walk to the limo with their escorts--typically cheerleaders and football players. Music was played on the breezeway as they were individually announced through a speaker to the whole school. After more pictures were taken and they loaded the limo, and the driver took them to Turtle Creek Mall for more pictures and dinner.
“It was amazing, like a dream,” stated Sierra Morgan, one of the students who attended the prom. Morgan added, “I look forward to it every year. Some kids get crowns, and they’re beautiful.”
There’s also music, food, and dancing for as long as the dance lasts. When prom was over, the kids’ parents picked them up from the church and took them home for the night. Another highlight of Night to Shine was meeting other students from other schools. Sierra expressed the wonderful feeling of making new friends. She claimed that one of the reasons she loves Night to Shine so much is because everybody meets people similar to them in a way, and it brings them all together. They all accept each other and find new kids who they can click with. Night to Shine is definitely an event our entire school can be excited about.

Under the Sea Success
By Drayton Purvis
Columbia High School’s 41st annual musical, “The Little Mermaid,” was a huge hit this year with the community. With the Friday night performance selling out and the Saturday performance almost selling out, Crystelle Ford Auditorium has never been so packed.
The exotic costumes and popular songs were a huge hit. Ariel, Prince Eric, Sebastian, Flounder, and many more characters came to life on stage. Senior Drayton Purvis stated, “Being in the musical requires a lot of long hours, Saturday practices, and memorization of lines and songs, but the hard work pays off on performance night to see a full house of people who are enjoying what took so long to put together.”
This year was unique in that almost half of the cast were freshman or students who had not previously performed. In addition, many of the leading roles were performed by freshman. Adrian Arinder, who played Ariel in Saturday night’s performance, stated, “It was a lot of pressure being a freshman and having a leading role, but I think I handled it well and I am happy with my performance.” Julia Johnson, freshman who played Ursula in Saturday’s performance added, “It was an amazing experience and even if you are young you can do amazing things. I encourage anyone to tryout!”
Many of the students who participate look forward to musical all year. Layla Hebert, junior cast member, explained, “You don’t know how much you love it and it means to you until the Monday after it is all over and you feel like something is missing.”
It is safe to say that the the CHS musical is one of the biggest events on campus each year. Arinder stated, “It was a great experience and a once in a lifetime opportunity that I will remember for the rest of my life.”

Annual Career Fair a Success
By Amani Sheikh
On Tuesday, February 26, CHS students attended the annual CHS Career Fair at the Charles Boston Athletic Complex.
“It was bigger than ever this year,” stated Mrs. Emily Rayborn, CHS school Librarian. A good number of Mississippi schools attended, and according to Mrs. Donna Rackley, CHS Guidance secretary, about fifty businesses were represented. It seems that the total amount of students came close to 600--that’s a lot of people. Tylertown High School’s College and Career Readiness class of about 75 students attended, along with 150 students from Columbia Academy, and around 150 students from both East Marion and West Marion.
Some students signed up for internships while others were able to get more information about the career they wish to pursue. Several new business set up this year, making the fair a great experience for all students in attendance.
Some of the businesses represented include: NASA, MMC Materials, Jackson law firms, Hayman Engineering, Mississippi Department of Transportation, and various real estate agents. The National Guard even brought a game trailer for students to try out. WDAM filmed the career fair live with the assistance of some of our CHS students. If the fair continues to grow, it might have to be moved to the Columbia Expo Center. Let’s hope that happens next year! Rackley stated, “I think this one was the best one ever. I personally could not have done it without the ones I put on my committee. I had an awesome committee to help, and we are definitely looking forward to next year.”